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    发布时间:2023-08-06    浏览次数:313

    一、标准双轨 D450/D630产品描述及规格:
    1、可编程相位调制轮廓测量技术(PSLM PMP):思泰克发明专利,其独创的可编程结构光栅使用软件即可对光栅的周期进行设置;取消了机械驱动及传动部分,大大提高了设备的精度及适用范围,避免了机械磨损和维修成本。实现对SMT生产线中精密印刷焊锡膏进行100%的高精度三维测量。
    7、设备重复性精度<<10% (6 Sigma)。


    产品定位Product   Describtion 标准双轨 standard dual-track
    产品系列   Series D450/D630
    测量原理   Measurement Principle 3D 白光 PSLM PMP (可编程结构光栅相位调制轮廓测量技术,俗称摩尔条纹技术)
    3D white light PSLM PMP(Programmable Spatial   Light Modulation,commonly known as moire fringe technology)
    测量项目   Measurements 体积,面积,高度,XY偏移,形状 (volume,acreage,height,   XY offset, shape  )
    检测不良类型   Detection of Non – Performing Types 漏印、少锡、多锡、连锡、偏位、形状不良、板面污染
    (missing print,insufficient tin, excessive tin, bridging, offset,  mal-shapes, surface contamination)
    相机像素   Camera Pixel 5M,可选8M/12M (8M/12M as option)
    镜头类型  Lens Types 远心镜头,可选长焦镜头(telephoto lens,   telecentric lens  as option)
    镜头解析度  Lens Resolution 18um,可选8/10/13/15/20um (8/10/13/18/20um   as option)
    视野尺寸   FOV Size 46.1*36.7mm(20.5*16.3/25.6*24.5/33.3*26.5/38.4*30.6/51.2*40.8mm)
    精度   Accuracy XY解析度(XY Resolution):1um;高度(height):0.37um
    重复精度   Repeatability 高度:小于1um (4 Sigma);体积/面积:小于1%(4 Sigma)
    height:<1um (4 Sigma);volume/acreage:<1%(4   Sigma)
    检测重复性   Gage R&R <<10%
    FOV速度    FOV  Speed 0.3s/FOV
    检测头数量   Quantity of Inspection Head Twin-Heads(Single Head 、Tri-Heads as option)
    红绿蓝/RGB   三色光源Red Green Blue/RGB Three   Colas Option Light Source 标配standard  configuration
    基准点检测时间   Mark-point Detection Time 0.5秒/个 (0.5sec/piece)
    Z轴实时升降补偿板弯Compensation   Plate Bending of Real-time Lift in Z-axis 标配standard  configuration
    最大检测高度   Maximun Meauring Height ±550um   ( ±1200um as option)
    弯曲PCB最大测量高度   Maximun Measuring Height of PCB Warp ±3.5mm   (±5mm as option)
    最小焊盘间距   Minimum Pad Spacing 100um (焊盘高度为150um的焊盘为基准   pad height of 150um as the reference)
    最小测量大小   Smallest  Measuring Size 长方形(rectangle):150um;圆形(round):200um
    最大PCB载板尺寸 Maximum Loading PCB Size 双轨模式(dual-track model):50*50~450x 300 mm
    单轨模式(single track   model):50*50~450 x 590 mm
    PCB板厚度    Thickness of the PCB 0.4-7mm
    零件高度限制   Height Limitations of the Parts 上40mm,下40mm (up:40mm  down:40mm)
    板边距Board Edge Distance 3mm ,可选万能夹边  multifunctional clip edge  as option
    定动轨设置 Flixble or Fixed Orbit Setting *标配1、4导轨固定,2、3轨活动;1、4轨导间距离为686mm;1、2和3、4轨导间最大距离分别是300mm。
    *standard configuration:track 1 and   track 4 are fixed, track 2 and track 3 are flexible , the distance between   track 1 and  track 4 is 686mm,  and the maximum distance between track 1   and track2, track3 and track 4 are 300mm.
    *track 1 fixed, track 2,3,4 flexible as option
    PCB传送方向 PCB Transfer Direction 左到右或右到左,出厂前设定left to right or right to left,   set before delivery
    轨道宽度调整   Orbit Width Adjustment 手动,可选自动 (manual , automatic as option)
    SPC统计数据 SPC Statistics Histogram;Xbar-R Chart;Xbar-S Chart;CP&CPK;%Gage Repartability Data;SPI Daily/Weekly/Monthly Reports
    Gerber和CAD导入 Gerber & CAD Data Imput 支持Gerber格式 (274x,274d)(support Gerber format);人工Teach模式 (manual Teach model) ;CAD X/Y,Part   No.,Package Type等导入 (CAD X/Y,Part No.,Package Type imput)
    电脑类型   Computer Types  DELL   Precision Workstation
    Computer Configuration
    中央处理器   CPU  Intel   4-core(Intel double CPU 6-core as option)
    内存 RAM 24G    (32/64G as option)
    图像处理器 GPU 2G discrete graphics(4G DP as option)
    硬盘  Hard   Disk 1T (2T    as option)
    DVD+RW standard    configuration
    Operating System Windows   7 Professional (64位    64 bit)
    设备规格   Equipment Diemension and Weight W1000*D1330*H1530mm;1050KG
    电源   Power 220V、10A
    气压  Air Pressure 4~6Bar
    功率(启动/正常)Power (Start / nornmal) 启动start:2.5kw /  正常运转  normal operation:2kw
    地面承重要求Loading   Requirements of the Floor 600kg/m²
    选配件 Options 万能夹边、1D/2D Barcode扫描枪、Badmark功能、印刷机闭环控制、离线编程软件、维修工作站、动态读拼板Mark点功能、UPS不间断电源、支撑顶针
    multifunctional clip edge, 1D / 2D Barcode scanner, Badmark function, print   closed-loop control, out-line programming software, maintenance was   optionkstations, coaxial  Mark  point camera , UPS continuous power   supply
